Mammals in Hawai`i
`Opeapea or Hawaiian Bat
The photo is back-lit to emphasize the fine detail of the skeletal structure and wing-and-tail webbing. Wing-span 13". |
This bat met its demise as it hit my car while in pursuit of insect prey, on Koke`e Road, Kaua`i.
Play Sound In this audio clip, recorded on Koke`e Road at another time, the pitch is lowered by 90% for human hearing, from 20,000 Hz to 2,000 Hz. The acceleration near the end is at the moment of contact with a prey insect. |
Kohola or Humpback Whale
(Megaptera novaeangliaie)
A Humpback breaching off Kaua`i.
The audio clip below captures a distant conversation, recorded just off Lehua Islet. The constant popping is snapping shrimp, heard only in shallow waters.
Play Sound
Hawai`ian Monk Seal
or Ilio-holo-i-ka-uaua, "dog that runs in rough waters,"
(Monachus schauinslandi)
Play Sound